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Thomas More Society

Tell Congress to investigate the D.C. Five's abortionist"Harriet"

Dear Chairman Jordan,

Thank you for being a longtime champion of pro-life values in the U.S. House of Representatives. Recently, more than 50 leading pro-life organizations called on the House Judiciary Committee to hold a thorough hearing into what happened to the “D.C. Five” and the practices of late-term abortionist Dr. Cesare Santangelo. The D.C. Five are five children whose lives were reportedly brutally ended—possibly in violation of federal law—at Santangelo’s Washington Surgi-Clinic facility in Washington D.C.

Some of the Five may have been victims of infanticide or illegal partial-birth abortions. As the District of Columbia is under federal jurisdiction and since federal crimes may have been committed by Santangelo, it falls on the House Judiciary Committee to investigate. Today, we add our voices to the growing call by the pro-life movement urging the House Judiciary Committee to investigate Cesare Santangelo’s practices and to secure justice for the Five. Thank you for your principled work in Congress on behalf of life and the pro-life movement.


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Add your name to the letter 

Thomas More Society, alongside 50+ leading pro-life organizations, is urging the House Judiciary Committee to investigate late-term abortionist Cesare Santangelo's practices and what happened to the D.C. Five.

Now it's your turn.
Fill out the form below to add your name to this letter to Rep. Jim Jordan. 

To learn more about the D.C. Five, click here.  

If you would like to support our work defending Lauren Handy—who discovered and rescued the D.C. Five—and other pro-life advocates across the country, please visit the link here.